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Therapeutic interventions in in-person and remote psychotherapy: Survey with psychotherapists and patients experiencing in-person and remote psychotherapy during COVID-19

Probst, T.; Haid, B.; Schimböck, W.; Reisinger, A.; Gasser, M.; Eichberger-Heckmann, H.; Stippl, P.; Jesser, A.; Humer, E.; Korecka, N.; Pieh, C. (2021). Therapeutic interventions in in-person and remote psychotherapy: Survey with psychotherapists and patients experiencing in-person and remote psychotherapy during COVID-19. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, accepted: in press

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Trotzdem! Einzigartigkeit will gelebt werden!

ZOOM Informationsabend zum neuen Masterstudium Existenzanalyse und Logotherapie am Mo., 09.12.2024 um 19.00 Uhr via Zoom


Wissenschaftsstipendium des Viktor-Frankl-Fonds der Stadt Wien zur Förderung folgender wissenschaftlicher Projekte

Logotherapy and Existential Analysis

McLafferty Jr., C., & Levinson, J. (Eds.). (2024). Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. Proceedings of the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna, Volume 2. Springer